Keep On Believing!

Keep On Believing!
Author: John Seeley M.A.
File Size:162 KB
Publisher:Heart Fire Press
Format 6” X 9”
Hardcover & Paperback
Print Length:172 pages
Price: $19.95
Shipping Weight: 11.4 & 14.7 ounces
Contact Info:
1 949 645-5100 -U.S.
Keep On Believing is a collection of uplifting stories of overcoming adversity, persevering, and following your dreams. Each personal story offers you an inside view of life’s challenges, and how the authors dealt with their issues, creating triumphs from tragedies. It is the courage and strength of the human spirit that gets you through the challenges of life. Keep On Believing gives many examples of this and more. Keep On Believing is a message truly needed right now. With so many tragedies today, it’s great to have these uplifting stories of transformation.
Marketing & Publicity
The author is advertising the book on a wide variety of social media outlets, and in trade publications.
The author will continue to leverage social media platform with evergreen efforts, including a variety of video outlets, blog posts, media interviews and world-wide speaking engagements.
About the Author
John Seeley is President and CEO of Blue Moon Wonders and Heart Fire Press, which specialize in educational and self-help products. John holds an undergraduate degree in Business and a Master’s Degree in Psychology, and is the Best-selling author of Get Unstuck! The Simple Guide to Restart Your Life, and other books. He has been featured in numerous publications, including the NY Times, L.A. Times, The Chicago Tribune and Woman s World Magazine, The Hong Kong Trader, as well as radio and TV stations throughout the US. John’s work includes doing his workshops at numerous venues including corporations, churches and prisons and other venues around the country. He is committed to changing the world through his work. His books have been translated in to various languages and are sold worldwide.
Praise for Keep On Believing!
Marci Shimoff, NY Times Best-selling Author of Happy for No Reason
“Keep On Believing is wonderfully timely and timeless. It offers uplifting stories about overcoming challenges along with powerful takeaways to use in your own life. Read it and be inspired!”
Janet Bray Attwood, NY Times Best-selling Author, The Passion Test
“Keep On Believing is a wonderful collection of stories that reveal the Strength of the human spirit, and courage of those who dare to challenge life.”